Inaugurated in 1956 by Mr. Amador Aguiar, as one of the first private social investment projects in Brazil, the Foundation was created, with the objective of providing free and quality education for children, youth and adults, primarily in regions of socioeconomic vulnerability.
The B.F boarding school in Canuanã
Carousel, item text 2: National education presence
The initiative expanded rapidly and today Bradesco Foundation has a network of 40 own schools distributed in all Brazilian states and in the Federal District, seeking to contribute to raising the level of education in the country.
The B.F school in Marília
Carousel, item text 3: Investments that transform
Bradesco Foundation’s funds are used exclusively to maintain its schools throughout Brazil.
The B.F school in Manaus
Carousel, item text 4: We were born to educate, include and develop!
Acting in Early Childhood Education, Elementary School, High School, Technical Vocational Education of Middle Level, Youth and Adult Education and in Initial and Continuing Education, the Institution works with quality education to include, stimulate and develop people from the communities served.
Digital Manufacturing Lab at Bradesco Foundation in Osasco - Unity 1
Carousel, item text 5: Principles for a great mission
With the principles of respect, honesty, equality, commitment and excellence, Bradesco Foundation’s mission is to promote social inclusion through education and act as a multiplier of the best pedagogical-educational practices.
Continuing with the trajectory of success and commitment to the development of communities across the country, always striving for quality education, we can highlight some data recorded in 2023:
We are in
40 schools
We benefited
+42 THOUSAND students
In the last ten years, the Bradesco Foundation invested, in updated amounts, BRL 9.5 billion to finance its activities.
BRL 666.4 million
in 2019
BRL 680,3 million
in 2020
BRL 715,0 million
in 2021
BRL 794,7 million
in 2022
BRL 894 million
in 2023
Remarkable History
With the aim of promoting inclusion and social development, the Bradesco Foundation was born, and since 1956 it offers free, quality education to thousands of people.
Promoting social inclusion through education and acting as a multiplier of best pedagogical and educational practices among the socioeconomically disadvantaged population in Brazil.
We see it as the quest to always do our best.
We see it as offering the same opportunities for everyone by recognizing the right of each person to be equal to the other, guaranteeing preservation of individuality and privacy, without allowing discriminatory acts of any kind.
We see it in all forms: towards oneself, towards others and towards the environment.
We see it as direct, ethical and impartial conduct in all actions and in compliance with laws, regulations and guidelines.
We see it as caring for others, acting to their benefit.
Efficiency use of resources
We see it as the ethical, responsible, counscious and planned use of the financial and non-financial resources.